Spectre Results Q1 (Year 4)
We are pleased to announce another satisfactory quarter of performance in the first quarter (April to June 2021) of our fourth financial year (2021/22), which reflect continued user growth and further platform performance/feature upgrades.
Y4 Q1 Full Results:
- The total number of traders by the end of this quarter rose to 7,721 which is an increase of just under 18%.
- There were nearly 2,000 users actively trading during this quarter (1,997 to be precise).
- The total number of registrations, as of 30th June, stands at 110,715. From these 16,995 registered within this quarter alone.
- Volume traded during this quarter was $3,967,357, down 22% vs the previous quarter.
- Volume traded since launch: $33,825,223.
- Winnings paid out during this quarter: $1,740,968.
- SXDT Rewards paid out during this quarter: $223,086, an all-time-high driven partially by new, non-operating revenue lines which will be addressed in the next webinar.
- No. of traders who used SXUT to upgrade: 127
- No. of SXUT bought and burned: 193,650 (after books close date), of which 64,550 burned with remainder to be burned in Q2.
- No. of SXDT bought as part of the energy driven buyback: 25,722.
- Decentralisation factor continues to drop each quarter, and stood at 0.80% this quarter, which is the lowest level we have seen.
Highlights of Y4 Q1:
During this quarter, we implemented a number of changes and improvements to the Spectre platform, including a range of new assets in many new sectors:
- Cryptos*: The re-introduction of crypto/digital assets on the platform, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Dash, and many other popular cryptocurrencies and DeFi coins. These are our digital contracts on cryptocurrencies in real time and the prices are adjusted for volatility and liquidity. Being derived from spot and futures prices across over 200 global exchanges as found on Coinmarketcap, they incorporate data from Asia as well, reflecting at times the Kimchi premium in assets. Our cryptos are available 24 hours, 7 days a week and offer the highest industry returns of 90% (in seconds) with near zero spreads. We are the only platform platform to offer such returns, and more will be added soon including NFTs with decent volumes.
* not available to U.K. traders due to FCA regulations.
- Equities : We also added another new asset class, with the introduction of Equities. These are our digital contracts on global equities in real time. The prices are adjusted for volatility and during trading hours they are based on actual real-time trading of the asset while after trading hours they are based on OTC prices. Like cryptos, equities can be traded 24/7 and boast returns of 90%. Currently, those available on the platform include Apple, Amazon, Boeing, Delta Airlines, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, McDonalds, Netflix, Tesla and Walmart, and this will soon be increased to 100+.
Spectre’s marketing drive to increase product know-how in the digital asset space will commence towards the end of August and one of the pre-requisites is to have a platform with many (> 100) digital assets available for trading. This requires substantial infrastructure upgrades, which are ongoing. This will mean quicker charts and 100s of assets, thus taking a comfortable lead over competition who usually offer around 50.
The firm will be holding a strategic webinar in August to discuss the results of the first quarter of 2021/22, the developments that took place during this period and other items on the future of other projects within the wider umbrella. These include:
Skillgaming: An update on the upcoming mobile application and ongoing, recent initiatives.
Phoenix: A new revenue line with a dedicated team has started contributing to rewards, with, significant expansion plans in the future. This and the integral role of SXUT in this product will be explored.
Spectre Exchange: Will be becoming an exclusive, global liquidity provider (LP) for original and secondary sales of a 3rd party project, thereby expanding its mandate.
The webinar is open to token holders only.
Regulatory Notice: Spectre.ai is strictly closed to U.S citizens. Trading and investing involves high risk and you can lose all your money.