EPIC Live on Real Money Accounts!
The Spectre.ai team is pleased to announce that, following a period of exhaustive testing in demo mode only, our brand new asset class, EPIC, is now available for trading on real money accounts.
EPIC, which stands for Epochal Price Index Composite, is aggregated data of past market movements displayed in a way that mimics live market data allowing users to make predictions and place trades in the same way as any other asset. Fast-paced and exciting, it allows for 24-hour trading, 7 days a week, 365 days a year — so it never closes. All prices are based on real-time tick data.
Our first products in this new asset class are EPIC1000, EPIC3000 and EPIC5000. As with our standard Smart Options, users can take a short-term or long-term view, and with EPIC trade durations start from just 1 second, all the way up to end of day. Losses remain limited to whatever the user determines (using capital protection features), but payouts are higher at up to 90%, and the minimum trade size is just $1.
Highlights of EPIC:
- Trade 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No drop in payouts, regardless of time of day!
- Nano-expiries of 1 second, 3 seconds and 5 seconds to complement our existing range of expiries.
- Payouts up to 90% — even at 1 second!
- Liquid charts that update almost every instant, with animated splines.
- 100% based on real financial market data.
The data feed is not generated randomly, rather it is based on historical price data, representing intraday market movements of major currency pairs, relative to a basket of other currencies. Therefore this should not be confused with a gambling product, as users still trade in just the same way as any other asset on the platform.
The Spectre.ai Team
Regulatory Notice: Spectre.ai is strictly closed to U.S citizens. Trading and investing involves high risk and you can lose all your money.